THEchapel at Mandalay Bay

We were originally set on a chapel downtown, but since the reception space we were going to use has closed we have decided to use a chapel on the strip. We had never been to this chapel before and were pleasantly suprised when we walked's gorgeous!
Bride and Groom Accommodations

We will be staying the evening of our wedding at the Presidential Suite at The Orleans. It is also the suite that can open up to the Stardust Suite, giving us access to all of our things without running all over the place. It will also be nice to have our own bathrooms at the Reception and since there is a second bedroom, sleepy kiddos can relax while their parents party the night away with us!
Stardust Suite

We have chosen to use the Stardust Suite at The Orleans besides the fact that it's huge and gorgeous, its a hassle free, worry free one stop shop suite reception!